Gala Russ: Book Coach and Romance Author
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Gala Russ

Book Coach and Romance Author

My mission is to empower writers to follow a custom to them, most direct, yet least stressful path to publishing their novels so they can live their best creative lives.

Author of seven romance novels under the pen name Willa Drew, I went through the long and often confusing process of figuring out how to finish, edit, and publish a novel.

It took me years of mistakes and stress, and as a learner it was still a rewarding experience.

However for many of my clients the unclear, multi-step, multi-option path to publishing blocked their way to their publishing dreams.

I offer workshops, small-group and one-on-one coaching sessions to support writers on their author journeys.

As an experienced teacher and project manager, I use my strengths of clearly explaining concepts and organizing projects (and a book is a long-term project) to guide writers in finishing their first drafts and creating their indie-publishing business.

Writer's Focus Session

30 minutes $5

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Have a question or an issue on your writing or publishing journey?

Book this session and you'll leave knowing everything I know on that topic.

This is a one-time introductory rate coaching session where I help you.

At the end of the session, I will recommend which of my services best fit your needs.